Plenty of funds given away to local businesses
Rzeszów - The Capital Of Innovation
Almost half a million złoty have been given away to 108 local businesses by vicepresident Krystyna Stachowska. Overall almost 10 000 businesses applied for the funding.
Also, innovative devices manufactured and designed by students of Politechnika Rzeszowska went public. Bands designed for the elderly. Special bands have multiple sensors in them - for example they are capable of detecting if someone has fallen or if they are inactive for prolonged periods of time. Should any of the above be detected, the band will contact MOPS, and MOPS will contact required authorities.
Upcoming "Create Your Business" event. Right here in Rzeszów. This will be an excellent chance not only to learn how to create and maintain a business, but also a perfect opportunity for networking. After the workshops, for which Krystyna Stachowska is the speaker, there will be a supper, evening meal.
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